
RiskWire is the housing market webcast powered by Veros Real Estate Solutions, co-hosted by Eric Fox, Chief Economist and SVP of Analytics, and Reena Agrawal, Research Economist. The webcast brings data-driven insights into the current happenings in the U.S. housing market.

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About This Episode

Episode 25  |  October 2024  |  RiskWire Webcast series:  “Great Recession Redux? Not Likely, Says Housing Data.”

How does the 2024 housing market stack up against the Great Recession? Is the US home size trending towards European standards? This episode examines key factors like lending standards, housing supply, and size comparisons to reveal what’s shaping the market.

RiskWire Housing Pulse

The RiskWire Housing Pulse aims to offer our readers a comprehensive understanding of the housing market, through discussions with a diverse range of real estate industry professionals. These experts will provide valuable insights, including real-time market trends, regional market conditions, and practical advice for homeowners, buyers, and sellers. Beyond data-driven analysis, we believe firsthand accounts from professionals like real estate agents will offer unique perspectives and valuable anecdotal evidence.

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About This Episode

Episode 03  |  September 2024  |  RiskWire Housing Pulse series:  “Is Austin a Buyer’s or Seller’s Market?”

Exclusive Interview with Austin Real Estate Professional, Patrick Birdsong, BIRDHOME Real Estate Consultants

Connect with Patrick Birdsong at BirdHomeRealEstate.com

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